Profile Builder is a set of web server-based applications and forms for creating a searchable directory of web profile pages.

Instant updating/simple adminstration
Creating and editing a profile is easier than sending e-mail. Users can access their password-protected forms from anywhere, anytime to update their pages. Designated profile editors can create and edit profiles at any time.

Eliminates coding and design errors
Because no coding or editing of coded templates is involved and the page layout is preset to your site's design specifications, potentially embarrassing HTML errors and design flaws are avoided. Users connect to your server via any web browser and fill in flexible forms which automatically generate the web profile pages and directory updates.

Flexible content/consistent layout
Custom forms generate individual web pages and directories for members of your organization. Users go to a designated web page and fill in the blanks. When the user clicks the Create Profile button, a custom page that follows the graphical style of your web site is created and referenced in a searchable profile database.

Using custom, flexible forms avoids the cookie-cutter output of rigid online templates while maintaining a consistent appearance and ease of navigation.

Standard profile form components
(Customers select fields available to their users and determine if they are to be required or optional. Optional fields, if not filled out do not appear in profile.)

  • Photograph or other graphic
  • Contact information
  • Multiple internal and external navigation links
  • Introductory passage (optional)
  • Variable number and length sections
    • Editable section titles
    • Scrollable text entry windows
    • Multiple paragraphs per section
    • Entries can contain web, e-mail, and graphics links
  • Tabular lists (courses, programs. publications, etc.) - Each item can be linked to a web page.
  • Annotated web page and MeetingWeb(TM) links
  • Standard profile navigation links from every form and display page
Academic Profile Builder
Custom Academic profile types, each creating its own directory of linked profiles, include
  • Faculty/staff profiles
  • Student profiles
  • Alumni profiles
Each form type can have its own access restrictions, with or without public access to the automatically generated web pages and directories.

Profile directories
A Web page directory for each user group (faculty, student or alumni) is automatically generated and updated as profile pages are created and edited. Users are listed alphabetically by last name within predefined groups. Each profile page is also linked to the Profile Directory. Each directory name is also a link to that member's profile page.

Profile searching
The Directory and Profile pages link to the search profile page. Any page on your web site can be linked to this search page. Search by name, title, department, interest, course, or do a free text search. A single search form for all profile types or separate search forms for each.

Custom* version for educational sites, unlimited users. Single-server version, single profile type $1399 Additional profile type: $199

*Customizing includes pre-defined form labels, directory classifications, integrating of your header and footer graphics and navigation links on output pages, and custom font size and color for output headings.

Additional customizing available at fixed prices based on complexity and uniqueness of requirements. Customer support included with purchase: 30 days free telephone and e-mail support from first contact. Access to online Support Meeting for 90 days.

Additional support is available starting at $250/year for first installation. Additional installations on same operating system and web server, $150/year.

System Requirements
Web server
Perl 4 or 5 and C Compiler
(Available with Profile Builder distribution)

Turnkey system bundle
Profile Builder may be ordered installed along with MeetingWeb on a Pentium PC server. MeetingWeb Turnkey System Prices start at $4999 plus shipping.

To order Profile Builder or for more information, contact us at Or call us at (617) 497-7220

MeetingWeb ProfileBuilder is a copyrighted application of CitySource Inc.

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